Then it rained.

Shorter walk this morning in the rain. Pictures were taken on my phone.


Horse Chestnut  (Aesculus Hippocastanum). This tree is at the end of our road & is now in full of flower. They were first introduced to the UK from Turkey in the late 16th century. It is native to the Balkan peninsula. They can live for up to 300 years and, at their largest, can reach heights of 40 metres with 2 meter wide trunks. Why a “horse” chestnut – when the leaves fall, the stalks leave a scar on the twig which resembles the shape of a horseshoe complete with nail holes.


Sea Kale.

Sea kale, (Crambe maritim), is a striking plant that is edible. The large leaves are glaucous green, with wavy edges, these are crowned with a cloud of tiny white perfumed flowers. These nectar-rich flowers are good for attracting pollinating insects. As the name suggests, sea kale is often found growing wild on the coast. The young shoots in spring can be eaten raw or steamed – they are said to taste like asparagus.


A Sunday stroll.

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Sometimes when you are watching wildlife you get the feeling that it is not you watching what is about but the wildlife has spotted you and it is watching you. Today on my usual walk a Roe Buck and one of his doe’s had spotted me from a well-camouflaged position in the long grass and shrub.



A bit of slow walking and I was able to get a bit closer. They were happy watching me before strolling off into the woods.